Camps Overview - Camp Equity


Camp 101

An overview of social justice topics where we explore a different movement each week. Beginning in 2021 we will offer three sessions of Camp 101, for 3rd - 6th graders, for 7th and 8th graders, and for 9th - 12th graders. Last Offered: Fall 2020. Next Offered: Tuesdays from September 14th through November 16th, 2021

Camp 201

For more experienced campers and those who want to engage with materials outside of camp, our 2.0 camp allows us to go deeper into an array of topics, Camp 2.0 will be offered in sessions for 5th - 8th graders and 9th - 12th graders. Next Offered: August 2nd – August 6th, 2021

Deep Dives

Our deep dives take an intensive look at one issues, exploring multiple perspectives and aspects of a movement. Deep Dives are current happening this summer!

In addition to camps we run once-weekly racial affinity groups for campers to find a safe space to grapple with their personal experiences with others who experience the world through a similar lens. 

Finally, all of our campers are invited to attend special sessions which may include documentary screenings, dance parties, and debrief sessions about current events. 
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