Carlos Mark Vera - Camp Equity


Carlos Mark Vera

Co-Founder and current Executive Director
Pay Our Interns

Carlos Mark Vera is the Co-Founder and current Executive Director of @payourinterns . Originally from Colombia, Vera was raised in California until he moved to Washington, D.C. to attend American University. While at AU, Vera was an unpaid intern at the White House, the European Parliament, and the House of Representatives. He knows firsthand the struggles of trying to survive while interning for free. Most notably, Vera was named Forbes 30 Under 30 in the 2018 Policy and Law class and was named an Aspen Scholar for the Aspen Ideas Festival. Prior to Pay Our Interns, Vera worked for Van Jones at Megaphone Strategies. He has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, The Atlantic, Fox News, NBC Latino, and The Hill to name a few. Carlos proudly serves in the Army Reserves as a generator mechanic.

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